Why Do Food Recalls Happen — And Why Are There So Many of Them?

Published by www.nj.com on January 27, 2025.

Food recalls take place when regulatory bodies and/or food manufacturers deem food unsafe to eat due to contamination or mislabeling of ingredients.

Over the past few years, more recall notices have popped up in the news. This is more than the American public has seen before, and they have caused much alarm.

Some of the most recent ones involve cheese potentially contaminated with listeria, heat-damaged milk that may spoil early and pet food potentially contaminated with Salmonella.

While it might be concerning that there are more recalls announced now, the more you know about them can help you stay prepared and prevent one from affecting you.

But if you are affected and report the incident, you might get a replacement or full refund for your purchase.

Here’s what you need to know about the process behind the food recalls you see in the news.

Keep reading at nj.com.

Professor Uri Lesmes, food scientist and head of the Food Chemistry and Bioactives Lab at the Technion is quoted in this article. 

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