Human Element
December 3, 2024

The Real Heroes Among Us

In the aftermath of the tragic events of October 7, Technion student and IDF reservist M.W. stepped up in ways he never imagined. Growing up, M.W., like many, was captivated by stories of superheroes like Batman and Superman. Now, he realizes that true superheroes don’t wear capes. They walk among us.

While serving in Gaza, M.W. witnessed acts of heroism far beyond what he’d seen in comic books. “The people I fought alongside were stronger than the heroes I grew up admiring,” he reflected.

Despite the challenges of reserve duty during his studies in electrical and computer engineering, M.W. has received crucial support from several individuals at the Technion. Balancing his education with service obligations has been a significant challenge, yet certain professors have gone above and beyond to help him keep up. “Some professors have allowed me to delay assignments, and others have worked with me to ensure I’m not left behind,” M.W. shared. These dedicated individuals have provided a supportive environment, making a meaningful difference as he navigates the demands of both service and study.

But it’s not just his studies that keeps M.W. going. His wife is “the real superhero.” With a young daughter to care for, she has been the rock that holds their family together, giving him the resolve to continue his studies and service. “I can’t imagine being in her shoes, managing everything while I’m away. She makes me stronger.”

Though the war has taken a heavy toll on M.W., both as a soldier and as a student, he remains hopeful. The resilience of his family and fellow Israelis has reinforced his belief that brighter days are ahead. “The current state is not easy. I know it’s going to take time, and it will be hard, but I’ve learned so much and have met so many wonderful people that I’m optimistic for what’s to come.”

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