Message from the President

Melanie Moreno

There was a time when ATS insiders referred to the Technion as Israel’s best-kept secret. Not so anymore. With three Nobel Laureates, scientific innovations that have changed the lives of people around the world, and achievements that regularly garner the Technion a place in academia’s most prestigious rankings, the University is fast becoming a household name. Building brand awareness works.

As President of ATS – Washington D.C., I look forward to raising the Technion’s profile even further by sharing the wonderful news about Technion breakthroughs in medicine, sustainable energy, and computer engineering. I also aim to forge partnerships with other philanthropic organizations for the good of Israel. Earlier this year, as the ATS Development Committee’s Strategic Partnerships co-chair, I launched an initiative to buy Israel Bonds in the name of the American Technion Society. It’s a win-win for the Technion and the State of Israel because you buy an Israel Bond for the Technion, and the donor benefits from a single gift and a tax receipt.

If you are new to our local ATS community — welcome! If you are a long-time donor, you’re back for good reason. Engagement with the ATS allows you to learn about cutting-edge innovations from the scientists who developed them. We are a welcoming group in which participants contribute their time and involvement however they can.

With Technion Centennial celebrations approaching, this is an exciting time to be part of the ATS. I am thrilled to lead our Washington, D.C. area group.

Professor Shai Shen-Orr with a student looking at a laptop in a Technion lab.

The Technion Fund

The Technion is contributing to Israel and the global good in unprecedented ways, and it depends on people like you to ensure its continued advancement as a world-class institution of higher education.

The Technion Fund will help ensure that our supporters have access to a broad array of opportunities for engagement at all levels. The Fund will support the entire ecosystem necessary to maintain the Technion’s distinctive strengths.

Make a Gift

The Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute

Aerial shot of the Jacobs Institute on Roosevelt Island in New York City.

On November 17, 2020, a group of local leaders and donors participated in an exclusive interactive event spotlighting cutting-edge technologies launched at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute in New York City. The Jacobs Institute fosters radical experimentation at the intersection of research, education, and entrepreneurship. We learned about the innovative digital technologies and leaders emerging from the Jacobs Institute and its Runway Startup Postdoctoral Program.

Unlike traditional academic departments, the Jacobs Institute is centered around three multidisciplinary industry-based hubs designed to spur new technologies in Connective Media, Health Tech, and Urban Tech. These hubs are built on the notion that to really know how innovation works, you need to make things — new technologies, new companies, and even mistakes. The Runway Program provides a pathway for Ph.D.s to become CEOs. To date, it has launched 29 startups, 23 of which are currently operating, attracting more than $93 million in private investment companies.

Please reach out to Irv Elenberg to learn more about our local programs.

Donor Spotlight

After a trip to the Technion on an ATS Mission in 2006, ATS donor Al M. felt even more committed to the university. Seeing the excitement of the students on campus motivated him, and upon his return, he created a substantial bequest in his will to endow a fellowship fund.

"We’re helping people in need, helping the Technion, and providing some healing to the horrors of the Holocaust — all in one program. It is very gratifying.”

Splash Statement


All gifts from $1 up to $36,000 will be matched to support supercomputing at the Technion to develop the technology needed to win the future.

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