Coming from a large family with relatives from Iraq, Morocco, Greece, and Poland, Maya has always been interested in learning about different cultures. In high school, she participated in delegations to Germany and the U.S. to improve Israel’s image abroad and strengthen connection with youth in these countries. After high school, she served as an intelligence analyst in the elite 8200 Unit, where she commanded and trained a group of 30 soldiers.

Currently, Maya is working with acclaimed Professor Avi Schroeder on an innovative approach to treating breast cancer metastasis. Their team discovered that cancer cells recruit surrounding nerve cells to infiltrate tumors and stimulate growth. So, they developed a nanotechnological method that targets neurons within breast cancer tumors with anesthetic, paralyzing the nerves and cutting communication with the tumor. She won several awards for presenting the research, which was published in the October 2021 issue of Science Advances.

A gifted dancer and musician, Maya volunteered as a music counselor with the Jewish Agency in Indianapolis, Ind. She has danced professionally as part of the Technion Salsa Dance Group. Maya is also civic minded, lecturing in high school to motivate students to study science, and mentoring undergraduate students in her laboratory.

Maya started her studies at the Technion in the Faculty Biotechnology and Food Engineering, where she ranked in the top 5% of students. She went on to win the Technion Integrated Cancer Center scholarship, the Irwin and Joan Jacobs Fellowship, the TEVA National Forum for BioInnovators Fellowship and other awards.

Last Updated: 2/2022

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