Technion | Engaging the Real World

Published by on May 8, 2024.

Since it was founded in 1912, the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has contributed massively to every aspect of Israel’s development. It has trained generations of first-rate scientists, engineers and architects who have consistently taken on leadership positions at the helm of Israeli industry. Moreover, through the years members of the Technion community have shined not only as highly respected scientists and educators, but also as pioneers in a wide variety of technological fields. Indeed, research conducted on the Technion’s campus has led to innumerable breakthroughs, many of which have made a real impact on humanity.

Redefining relations with industry

The university’s current management, under the leadership of Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan, is deeply committed to ensuring that the institution will continue to be a world-class innovation hub for the next 100 years as well. Since the world is constantly evolving and changing, it is necessary to not only keep up with the changes but to anticipate them. Realizing that the traditional roles held by academia and industry are in the midst of a major transformation, last year the Technion decided to appoint its first Executive Vice President for Innovation and Industry Relations: Prof. Lihi Zelnik-Manor.

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