AI Tool Gains Doctors’ Trust by Giving Advice Like a Colleague

Published by on April 5, 2023.

Hospitals have begun using “decision support tools” powered by artificial intelligence that can diagnose disease, suggest treatment or predict a surgery’s outcome. But no algorithm is correct all the time, so how do doctors know when to trust the AI’s recommendation?

A new study led by Qian Yang, assistant professor of information science in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, suggests that if AI tools can counsel the doctor like a colleague – pointing out relevant biomedical research that supports the decision – then doctors can better weigh the merits of the recommendation.

The researchers will present the new study, “Harnessing Biomedical Literature to Calibrate Clinicians’ Trust in AI Decision Support Systems,” in April at the Association for Computing Machinery CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

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