Startup Expands Trial For Bacteria-Based Cancer Treatment

Published by on August 20, 2023.

An Israeli company that develops medical treatments using helpful bacteria to fight disease is expanding the clinical trial for its drug to battle cancer.

The biopharma startup recently opened a second site for its ongoing clinical trial at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv. The first site is located at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, northern Israel.

Biomica identifies and selects microbes to treat specific diseases that will enhance how the body’s immune system responds.

It is currently assessing the safety and tolerability of its first immuno-oncology therapy (a treatment that helps the body’s immune system fight cancer) on patients with lung, skin, and kidney cancers.

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Biomica is a biopharmaceutical startup working to create microbiome-based therapeutics to treat immune-mediated and infectious diseases. The company’s Co-founder and CSO Yehuda Ringel is a Technion alumnus.