Technion 100

Global Centennial Campaign | Technion: My Story

Global Centennial Campaign

The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has played a critical role in the establishment of Israel and in improving the lives of people worldwide since opening its doors in 1924. And no other institution holds more promise for Israel’s future.

The Technion is preparing the leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs who are reimagining the future of Israel and working to find solutions to challenging global problems. At this historic centennial moment, you have an extraordinary opportunity to partner with us in shaping the University’s second century.

The Global Centennial Campaign for the Technion will advance multidisciplinary research in these critical areas:

To join the Global Centennial Campaign and help reimagine the next 100 years, contact

Technion: My Story

It was the late 1990s and I was at my first American Technion Society (ATS) event at the home of Steve Grand, who has since passed away. Steve told us how long the Technion had been pumping graduates into Israel. How they built the country from scratch — the national water carrier, the electrical grid, and the drip irrigation that turned the arid land green. As he was talking, this image popped into my mind. Though I’d never been to the Technion, I could see the graduates walking out of its gates, dispersing, and starting to build the country. It was like a lightning bolt. I understood how crucial this one school was to the development of Israel.”

Chair of the Technion Board of Governors

100 Years of Technion: What’s your Technion story? We want to hear it.
Join us in commemorating our 100th anniversary by becoming a part of the Technion community and capturing the essence of your favorite campus memories! Share your cherished moments with our global community.