AI Time Machine Brings You Through History

Have you ever wondered what you would have looked like living in Ancient Greece? Or even how you’d change in a high-tech future? Now, thanks to a new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered “time machine” from MyHeritage, you can see yourself throughout the past – and even in the future. Led by Technion alumnus, Founder, and CEO Gilad Japhet, the platform provides AI-generated images depicting you in different eras.
Users need only upload about 10 photos of themselves taken from different angles, pay around $12 – $18 depending on the package chosen, and then wait for 90 minutes or less for results. The timeframes range all the way from ancient pharaohs and Greeks to medieval Europe, 16th century France and the Ottoman Empire, up through the 1960s and far in the future.
The automation works by constructing a model based on multiple photos of the same subject and then depicting that person in a variety of poses and lighting conditions different from the original images. Then, it synthesizes the model through a series of predefined themes to create photorealistic images.
So far, MyHeritage has generated more than 79 million AI images since the time machine became available to the public. The service uses text-to-image technology licensed from personalized AI image generation company Astria. Recently, MyHeritage expanded the time machine’s capabilities to include AI avatars as well as a virtual gallery for users to see all their generated images organized based on timeframes and categories.